Kidding Schedule 2021

Bred/Due Dates




Sales Terms and Conditions: 

Bridgeport Farms has the right to retain any kid.  We’ll try to anticipate and note on the schedule our choices, but occasionally, there comes an exceptional kid that we won’t be able to resist. 

To put your name on our list, please contact us via email or phone (970-216-8231) with your choice.  We’ll put you on a list in the order in which you contacted us.  Specify what you want from whom, note if you just have to have a blue eyed beauty.  Also, how do you want to be contacted?

Once the kids are on the ground and we’ve decided who we’re going to retain (2-4 weeks after kidding), we’ll start at the top of the list.  You’ll have 7 days to get back to us with a $100, non-refundable deposit in order to reserve the kid.  If we haven’t heard from you or received payment after 7 days, we’ll advance to the next in line, etc.  Kids should be picked up at 8 weeks old.  After 8 weeks, we’ll need to charge a $2/day boarding fee. 

Check, money order, or paypal (with 4% service fee) accepted.

The $100 deposit is non-refundable with one exception.  If something happens to the animal while in our possession that prevents the sale, we will refund the deposit. 

We do not offer refunds, but if you must cancel a reservation, you may transfer the deposit to another animal. 

Once an animal leaves our property, we take no responsibility for the health/welfare of the animal if something should happen in transport or once a kid is settled within a new herd.




Kidded: 12/23/20

Triplets: 2 does, one buck

Pen Bred: 12/7/20 - 1/7/21, 12/17/20: goopy tail

Due: 5/1/21-6/1/21, 5/11/21

Kidded: 5/8/21, quads, 2 does, 2 bucks

We are a performance herd. DHIR testing and Linear Appraisal. Home to 

SG Bridgeport Farms LVD Jane 3*M and Noall’s Ark Caprice Des Dieux who earned Elite status this year as a first freshener, 98th percentile!

Redstone SF Sunseeker *B (ETA21: 45, ETA12: 36) was chosen by ADGA for the Young Herd Sire Development Program. If your herd is on DHIR, please inquire about a discount to DHIR homes for doelings sired by Sunseeker.

2020 Whole Herd Adult Testing

Negative for CAE, CL, and Johnnes!!

Click on names to go to page with more info on each animal.

Follow us on Facebook:

Doeling: retained

Jaylah (above, below)

Doeling: retained

Vesper (above, below)

Wether: sold

First kids of the season! So excited to have Mitaka here, an

SG Redstone SF Dark Star daughter!

Pen Bred: 12/7/20 - 1/7/21, 12/19/20: Heat detected

Due: 5/1/21-6/1/21, 5/13/21

Kidded: 5/12/21, twin bucks

Pen Bred: 12/7/20 - 1/1/21, 12/07/20: strong heat

Due: 5/1/21-6/1/21, 5/1/21

Kidded: 5/4/21, triplets, 3 doelings

Pen Bred: 12/7/20 - 1/7/21, 12/13/20: covered

12/18/20: goopy tail

Due: 5/1/21-6/1/21, 5/12

Kidded: 5/9/21 Single doeling, retained

Pen Bred: 12/7/20 - 1/7/21

12/25/20: goopy tail

Due: 5/1/21-6/1/21, 5/19/21

Kidded: 5/17/21: Twins, doe & buck

Pen Bred: 12/7/20 - 1/7/21,

Due: 5/1/21-6/1/21, 5/15/21

Kidded: 5/17/21, Twin Doelings

Bred: 11/16/20

Due: 4/10/21

Kidded: 4/12/21

Single doeling

Bred: 9/16/20

Due: 2/8/21

Kidded: 2/10/21

Triplets: 2 does, 1 buck

Does retained

Wether: reserved

Doelings: retained or sale pending

Wether: sold


Pen Bred: 12/7/20 - 1/7/21,

Due: 5/1/21-6/1/21,


(terms and conditions below apply)


Just click on the email address below.

Or call or text

Karen: 970-216-8231

Jordan Talley helps me with sales so try her too! She usually responds more quickly.

Jordan: 970-250-2692

Elizabeth, left, 12 hour fill for 1st milk test

N35 doeling, above


Wether above


N36 doeling above


2nd Milk Test

12 hour fill

Pocahontas and her doeling

Doeling Retained

Doeling: retained

Doelings: For sale (see below)

Doeling above

For Sale

Penelope prior to kidding

Doelings: retained

Bucklings: wethered and sold

Bucklings: wethered

Available for sale

Doeling: Retained

Wether: Available

Doeling above

For Sale