Kidding Schedule 2019

(terms and conditions below apply)


Just click on the email address below.

Or call or text Karen: 970-216-8231

Bred/Due Dates




Pen bred: 9/12/18-9/22/18

due:  2/4/19-2/14/19

Kidded 2/16/19

Triplet doelings

Pen bred: 10/14/18-10/23/19

due: 3/8/19-3/17/19

L1: Doeling: retained

Pen bred: 12/19/18-1/1/19


Kidded: 3/15/19

twin bucks

Pen bred: 12/16/18-1/7/19

due: 5/10/19-6/1/19


Did not settle

Pen bred: 12/3/18 or 12/16/18-1/7/19

due: 4/27/19 or 5/10/19-6/1/19

Kidded 4/27/19 with twins, doeling and buckling

Pen bred:


due: 5/10/19-6/6/19

Kidded 6/1/19 with triplets, one doe, 2 bucks

Pen bred: 12/19/18-12/30/18

due: 5/13/19-5/22/19

Kidded 5/21/19 with single buckling

Pen bred: 12/3/18 or 12/16/18-1/7/19

due: 4/27/19 or 5/10/19-6/1/19

Kidded 4/27/19 with triplets, 1 doeling and 2 bucklings

Bridgeport Farms LVS Jane

Priscilla throws consistently nice kids! I have retained 3 out of her 5 does from the past two kiddings so I am offering 2 of these lovely doelings for sale. All three does are dairy long with wide rumps like their dam. Their sire’s dam (Dory) brings in a line breeding on Iris and Yuma (Priscilla’s dam and sire), two of our foundation animals. Dory is the great grand-daughter to Iris and Yuma. Inigo, son of our Lost Valley Dax Sea Do, should throw some great udders.

I am so excited for this breeding. If I didn’t have too many bucks already, I would keep this buck too.

Pen bred:


due: 5/24/19-6/6/19

Kidded 5/25/19 with twins, 2 doelings

Both dam and sire for this breeding are new to our herd. L7 buckling will make a great herd sire! Lots of milk in these genetics and this boy won’t be related to any of our older does. Makes for a great starter herd.

Sales Terms and Conditions: 

Bridgeport Farms has the right to retain any kid.  We’ll try to anticipate and note on the schedule our choices, but occasionally, there comes an exceptional kid that we won’t be able to resist. 

To reserve a kid, please contact us via email or phone (970-216-8231) with your choice.  We’ll put you on a list in the order in which you contacted us.  Specify what you want from whom, note if you just have to have a blue eyed beauty.  Also, how do you want to be contacted?

Once the kids are on the ground and we’ve decided who we’re going to retain (2-4 weeks after kidding), we’ll start at the top of the list.  You’ll have 7 days to get back to us with a $100, non-refundable deposit in order to reserve the kid.  If we haven’t heard from you or received payment after 7 days, we’ll advance to the next in line, etc.  Kids should be picked up between 8 and 10 weeks old.  After 10 weeks, we’ll need to charge a $1/day boarding fee. 

Check, money order, or paypal (with 4% service fee) accepted.

The $100 deposit is non-refundable with one exception.  If something happens to the animal while in our possession that prevents the sale, we will refund the deposit. 

We do not offer refunds, but if you must cancel a reservation, you may transfer the deposit to another animal. 

Once an animal leaves our property, we take no responsibility for the health/welfare of the animal if something should happen in transport or once a kid is settled within a new herd.


For Reference